Closets are definitely an integral part of the house and this has made well-informed homebuyers to always opt for houses with bigger closets. My Buyers and Sellers are often frustrated over the lack of storage space in their closets and/or home. The question we should be asking is do we need a bigger closet? If you live in a “modest” single family wome like I do, or a condo, you need to consider the items you currently have in your closet, things that are important and things that are just “ need a new home”. I stopped counting the number of shoes I’ve got, how many blouses do I have? That’s one question I don’t even want to consider. I have too many dresses and pants in my closet and I must say I find myself not using most of them. Listing the items in my closet is something I could spend the whole day doing, but I am sure am not the only one in this dilemma of cluttered closets. Recently, in an attempt to create more space in my closet, I made 16 trips to my local charity center with boxes full of clothes and shoes, I still have a cluttered closet that looks more like nothing has been removed from it. With all that being said, there is still hope in organizing your cluttered closet to get more space just when you start thinking you need a bigger closet. Real Estate Agents can’t add that space for you; you need to put in some effort into organizing your closet. Find time, say a weekend, and empty your closet; shoes should be in one pile, casFind time, say a weekend, and empty your closet; shoes should be in one pile, casual dresses in another, pants in a different pile etc. Get rid of all the things you feel are “ready for a new home” by putting them in a box and in big red marker put “ CHARITY” so you get a boost of energy anytime you look at it. If you still don’t have space for the important items left to go back into your closet, you might consider having small shelves, some bins or baskets or even a shoe rag. Spend some money on getting good clothes hangers as part of reorganizing your closet. When it comes to deciding if you need a bigger closet or not, I do believe some expert advice could also come in handy, having a well-organized closet goes a long way.